
The issues

Attacks on information systems (IS) and their integrity are now a daily occurrence and are becoming increasingly rapid and aggressive. Their consequences are often very serious and irreparable.

For a company, these attacks jeopardize its production, its relations with customers and suppliers, and can ultimately halt its commercial activity entirely, not to mention the irreversible damage to its e-reputation. The economic impact is significant, sometimes even fatal.

In the case of governmental organizations, the objective of these attacks is quite different. The goal is to destabilize the state by jeopardizing the security of people, organizations, and places, either by disrupting the information system and rendering necessary data exchanges between services inoperative, or through espionage practices.

How can we prevent these threats and, when they occur, limit their spread and contamination?

The challenge for Ministries and actors in the Defence and Security sector is to have efficient and structured tools capable of analyzing the vast quantity and variety of data (audio, video, text, images) available to them in order to safely carry out their regalian mission:
  • Inform geo-political decision-making
  • Ensure the security of goods, people and events
  • Maintain the country’s competitiveness
They need tools to identify weak signals of potential threats in order to assess the risks involved and to prevent and, above all, counter them.

ChapsVision CyberGov' solutions

ChapsVision CyberGov offers solutions that support Defence Security actors in all stages of the data processing and investigation process.

Argonos, the data operating system


The data operating system enables handling use cases in the fields of military, security, social, political, and economic intelligence with five key benefits:

  • Maintain operational superiority
  • Accelerate the provision of strategic and differentiating indicators
  • Equip intelligence research and detect weak signals in vast information sources
  • Increase informational capacity
  • Increase the performance of dedicated OSINT solutions

Argonos is composed of 3 modules to extract the full value of the data:

  • The Data Preparation module takes in raw (unstructured) data from different sensors (visible and invisible web, social networks) or connects to your own sensors, whatever their nature (socmint, webint, osint, geoint …).
    Then it transforms them to enrich them, normalize them, make them usable with each other. For example, transforming videos into text, extracting concepts, places, names from these texts, solving the geolocation of data, doing facial recognition…
  • The Data Projection module will process all the transformed data from the Data Preparation and calculate the relationships between the objects according to the analyst’s universe, his or her use cases.
  • The Data Analysis module will offer tools for exploitation, research, navigation and investigation within these universes and restore the data in the format that suits you (mapping, spreadsheet, target entities…).


NEW logo CrossinG by CV 2023

CrossinG is an integrated security device designed for operators of vital importance who are required to strongly partition critical information systems and control exchanges with the outside world. CrossinG enables high-speed file transfers while maintaining an absolute seal between two networks thanks to software diode technology. The transferred content is subject to on-the-fly security controls (whitelisting, antivirus, format analysis, sealing, watermarking, signature verification). The solution manages inbound and outbound access permissions, and keeps track of all transfers.

Crossing has been deployed at several large OVIs for multiple uses: administration network exchange system (ANSSI PA-022 standard), IT-OT partitioning in industry, protection of sensitive data (ANSSI PA-075 standard), control of UHD content import in media broadcasting companies, cold backup of databases in the SecNumCloud cloud.


NEW logo Trezell 2023

Trezell, an evolution of CrossinG for real-time military use, enables the exchange of tactical information in operation between systems of different classification levels, in 3D or in coalition.

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