Mercure by ChapsVision enables operators’ data to be reconciled with data contained in the phone’s memory, as well as metadata contained in computers or social networks.
The software can be used to read the conversations and chats contained in these media. From the crime scene to the arrest of suspects, and even beyond, Mercure by ChapsVision provides communications analysis tools for the entire investigation. It also enables all this technical data to be compared with investigative events.
Opens up new avenues of investigation
Substantial savings in analysis time
Improves the clearance rate of investigations
Feeding the survey with diversified sources
- Operator data
itemized billing, itemized billing by IMEI, BTS Dump, lawful interception tracking GSM or GPS trackers
- Forensic data
Phone and SIM card extraction, hard drive extraction, data from social networks, mailboxes, diaries, etc.
- Investigation data
Events, automatic number plate readers (ANPR)
- Financial data
Bank accounts, credit cards, international transfers
- A robust engine
Over 2,000 formats in Mercure covering more than 30 countries, an engine that allows the tool to be adapted to operational requirements.
New analysis possibilities
- Pattern searches
- Keyword searches
- Flag of relevance
- Watchlists of numbers with alerts
- Simultaneous use and display of multiple workspaces
- Synchronised group workspaces with n storage levels
- Views adapted to the types of data studied and adaptable to the needs of the investigators
Support for international formats
More than 2,500 known operator formats, enabling the scope of the investigation to be extended to other countries (with or without borders).
Critical analysis of international trafficking and the fight against organised crime.
Countries supported: France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Holland, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Norway, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Brazil…
New territories added as business opportunities arise.
Enhanced traceability
Traceability of imported data
Traceability of modifications
Inventory of source files
Storage of the last queries made by the analyst to help him retrace his steps
Simple, effective reporting
Several complementary ways of displaying the results:
Geographical maps, tables, timelines, graphs, conversations, etc.
New graphs to facilitate interpretation
Analysis reports that can be customised by investigators